Robert Louis Stevenson

This is just an excuse to repeat some words from Robert Louis Stevenson, a member of The Lighthouse Family – five generations responsible for the remarkable legacy of ninety six lighthouses around the coast of Britain, among them, Cape Wrath.

There is scarce a deep sea light from the Isle of Man to North Berwick, but one of my blood designed it.  The Bell Rock stands monument to my grandfather; the Skerry Vhor for my uncle Alan; and when the lights come out along the shore of Scotland, I am proud to think that they burn more brightly for the genius of my father.

For love of lovely words, and for the sake
Of those, my kinsmen and my countrymen,
Who early and late in the windy ocean toiled
To plant a star for seamen, where was then
The surfy haunt of seals and cormorants:
I, on the lintel of this cot, inscribe
The name of a strong tower.
Robert Louis Stevenson 1885


  1. nature789 · August 22, 2012

    have you been inside of this lighthouse? When they built the lighthouse they also lived there correct?

    • northumbrianlight · August 23, 2012

      Hi Tj – Unfortunately the lighthouse is not open to the public. The living quarters were in the adjacent low white buildings but these are now unoccupied apart from the owners of the Ozone Cafe (the Restaurant at the end of the Universe!). The lighthouse was built in 1828 but automated in 1998 when the last of the keepers left. The light is now monitored remotely 24×7 with occasional visits by a local for maintenance purposes.

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